boa interiors

Logo, Visual Identity

Brand project for office interior design company, located in Bucharest, Capital of Romania. The company offers interior design services for offices, planning, decoration, and implementation, in short … a complete revitalization, with advice, from the initial planning to the entire construction and final finishing phase.

The name boa interiors – The reason behind the name of the company is in the following story: BOA, is the abbreviation of the name of the customer, the wife, and the daughter, in lower case. In addition, BOA is the abbreviation for “Best of all” in communication. Meanwhile, in Latin, it means “good”. So, the intention of the client is to pass the message to his clients, that they are “The best at what they do”.

Having all this information, I imagined working on the abbreviation BOA, in lowercase letters, creating a brand that could transmit the company’s DNA, in the deep sense of the renovation, in a 360º turn. So, when you rotate the brand, you will always get the word BOA as a final result, being a company capable of revitalizing in an impeccable way, companies of all segments and sizes, with maximum quality and good taste.

From the beginning, it was a real honor to work on this project. The client fully understands the importance and seriousness, to build a brand that fits perfectly with the company’s values. From the research to the completion of the project, the client left me completely free to use my creativity to the fullest.

Direction and Design

Rodnei Cruz



Desenvolvimento de logotipo e identidade visual, projetos de marca forte que gera conexões de valor duradouras com seu público-alvo. Criação de Logotipo, Criação de Logotipo e Identidade Visual, Criação de Logomarca, Criação de Logo, Melhor Design que cria logomarca, Logotipo e Identidade Visual no Brasil e no Exterior. Criação de logomarca profissional. Desenvolvimento de Logomarca Profissional. Rodnei Cruz é um Designer Profissional de criação de logomarcas que trabalha com qualidade e satisfação dos seus clientes. Desenvolvimento de logo, Construção de logo, Construção de logomarca, Construção de logotipo, criação de identidade visual, criação de arte gráfica e desenvolvimento de identidade visual profissional, Construção de identidade visual, Desenvolvimento de arte gráfica, Construção de arte gráfica de alta qualidade. O Logotipo é a peça de máxima e extrema importância para o seu negócio, pois é através dele que os seus clientes irão identificar a sua marca, e sua empresa.

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A designer specializing in logo creation and visual identity with a minimalist approach, which has the potential to win the hearts of its customers, with a focus on increasing its revenue.